
Showing posts from December, 2020

Things to Do and Why

Do any of you people speak English? It's hard to get the right idea. There's so many ones just like it. And if I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong. Let's think. How could the system be made? Information storage / processing / handling / publishing: Cyborganize. Handling all it handles. Information reference: Archive everything of worth, no exceptions. We've seen too many failures. Categorize by author. Solution execution guarantee: Daily, and also Sec9 as in Book1. May be ported to WFO. Mindset management: Koanic (As in Coding 1) Schedule management: CAL (pending Cyb replacement) Writing down bad thinking: Just throw a trace down in Discord. Systematic categorical issues can be composited, like with mental issues reflectionism. Forums are still useful, and probably should be utilized for major undocumented questions. This will accomplish:  - Better information processing.   - Better sorting / retention of "large longterm memory". Everything accessible, whereas...

A Sacrifice for the principled gods

I see the knives in my stride, the continuous pricks that imply my guilt in a great crime. A mighty horror, committed by my own hands, staining anything and everything I tough. When I ask what, they recede behind their justifications. My going to college, despite having no alternative within any reasonable reach. My failure to not avoid the vaccination, despite again having no reasonable alternative. How about a third. Not dealing with . despite doing so conspicuously resulting in extreme material and spiritual harm.  There is an evil in our land, and his name is the the call for sacrifice, because of guilt for unavoidable crimes. I can promise you nothing but results. He, on the other hand, can promise you anything but results. And finally, did I know his name. And they are unavoidable. Because I spent the time I could have been planning a way out neurotically crying about my not doing an irrational exit that wouldn't have ever actually happened. You ever notice how certain proble...

Moments of Aeoli Pera

 I'll dig up some genuinely impressive observations, of which I find use for everyday. These are all derived from For the sake of good sporting, I'll be deriving this from my quote collection instead of directly from his blog. Except for this one: Plus, something I’ve learned over and over is that most of what we assume is mental is actually just physical health. Oh and I very much agree that the best way to have lasting magic in one’s life is to be capable and competent at dealing with problems and overcoming obstacles, rather than to pretend they don’t exist- as some people seem to think. (Is this Mental Outlaw's?) I think pain is our primary connection to the real world, i.e. the difference between dreaming and being awake (or “woke” ;D). One of the consequences of this is that pain produces fear, fear produces reflection, anticipation, and forethought, these produce causal thinking, and causal thinking produces wisdom…leading inevitably to my pr...


Firstly, and mostly, to solve problems. Should it be anything more? Doesn't need to be.

Translating "on professional streamers, skilled gaming and ‘winners’ "

My successors might ask me why I randomly shit-talked mister "robert what" (that's how he spells it). That's because I read this article . I'll link it, and below I'll write it in a way that doesn't require too much dictionary abuse. I'll also be making fun of it, of course.  rnd/ to consider identifying what exactly feels irksome about this allegedly pure, true (e)sports-man moment of videogame skill aka ‘winning’ – specifically, the moment when virtual projectile meets idiot skull. RND? Probably means Read Nothing Derivative. (As in, don't read anything below this!) Truthfully, I don't know. There's no glossary. "Let's figure out what is dislikable about the pure sportsmanlike moment of winning, specifically the First-Person Shooter mechanic of headshots." in which there still exists a strong cultural assumption about videogames secretly ‘being fun’ – where ideologically this means ‘playing to win’, and nothing else. no win ...

Game Development in the age of Obsolescence

remember: Sensible capitalization Is optional. Following a binge of reading articles related to G-String (unrelated to porn addiction; that's a Half-Life 2 mod), I came across Robert What's depressing blog, reeking of his surrender and resentment of the successful, clothed in a vaguely English-like language only a True Brahmin ™  would be able to comprehend. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the article , and I'll expand on some of its ideas. (My translation of what he's saying) Conflation of the crumbling world of G String with the death of Triple-A-esque game modding. 9 years of work, effectively just to shoot half-retarded enemy boys. As if "the look, the feel, meaning itself" becoming subservient, to shooting boys. If you remove 'em, then the haunting emptiness can really work. Shooting as a symbolic respite from the existential implications (o no i die) of depressing world. O no we die, etc etc. Tragic, so much time spent making it cluttered. It could have come...

Distraction And Dissonance

Why is all of my money going into the Craver pension fund? Why is all of my attention going into useless sites? I've had a long history of dealing with distractions. To do something worthwhile is to kill distraction, but it is also mildly unpleasant to do. I'll seek here to document WHY this occurs (which is not just one cause), and to then inform of ways to solve it.  WHY Cause one. Guilt from self-improvement failure resulting in sense of control violation, resulting in cynicism, lower happiness, thus demand for plesbutton. Cause two. Incorrect either anticipation, association, or reflectionism regarding good activities, and a incorrectly favorable view regarding bad activities. Because the brain does pleasure math, it always picks the winner, and without large guilt expenses (presently) this is always the bad activity.  Cause three. Bad suppression of proximity. When two activities, the ones I want, and the ones that happen are put together, the ones that happen are more pl...


Mods: Let's please not separate SI and ST. I'll merge them because it's a pain making them somehow different. SI    SolutionStorage       Blog          -Specification       Categorization          -Fields

New direction

The previous blog approach, more BnD inspired, centered around attention more than creation. But this is not preferable, because being reliant on attention for work to occur is a ticking timebomb in a functional system. (The older blog managing only a day of existing, these were obviously problems.) This one will focus more upon improving the previous approaches to information storage, a la Book1. It will be indifferent to attention, by virtue of serving more as an evolving one-person repository of solutions to issues. Here's some various reasons it would be useful in this capacity.  - I could spend more effort creating refined posts, and thus memorize better the "important stuff". I would also be more enthusiastic about referring to previous solutions.    - It is awkward to fit everything into numbered lists.  - There is too much organizational debt.  - The advent of "fields" allows me to effectively categorize and refer to specific topics. Although not previou...

Forgiveness in the age of Betrayal

If there is a way to make a bad situation worse, it is to have a bad attitude about it.  Against Bitterness I used to have an attitude of "Why do I keep doing this?" "I dislike myself for doing this", and so on. When repeated failure is not handled, and the one common factor is you, bad things can tend to happen. While it may be cathartic for a short period, it sets a bad example in the long-term. You grow to expect the worst for yourself, to expect you alone will guarantee the powerlessness of your best desires. The only response is never useful, only more and more poisonous feeling poured on it. Ultimately, one ends up becoming a shell of a man, using all of his energy to wail and moan of the past's tragedies (assuming they are; in my case, it looks doubly ridiculous considering I'm 19), blind to the obvious answer and yet addicted to his short-term relief despite what harm it does him. (And the short-term relief is no greater evil in self-improvement!) An...

How do I write, and how do I write well?

Disclaimer: I'm not a writer. Why identify yourself with one profession? Writing is the recounting of experience, of passion and interest. If you care about something, it is effortless to write about it. If you do not, then it will be difficult, and the result won't be convincing. (IE, I can ramble about methodology all day, but find trouble with dialogue and characterization.) I'll discuss my knowledge of writing, and useful methods for keeping the river of words flowin'. Research First, love what you research. If you cannot do that, then at least study the details of it, take notes, and you'll eventually grow to love it through another way. Researching is a separate skill-set from writing, and you must make sure that you do not overdo research if writing is your intention. The internet is the greatest and worst invention for productivity, and the only thing that will make it useful is your determination for creation. Writing better Writing is like a river of habit...