Moments of Aeoli Pera

 I'll dig up some genuinely impressive observations, of which I find use for everyday. These are all derived from For the sake of good sporting, I'll be deriving this from my quote collection instead of directly from his blog. Except for this one:

Plus, something I’ve learned over and over is that most of what we assume is mental is actually just physical health.

Oh and I very much agree that the best way to have lasting magic in one’s life is to be capable and competent at dealing with problems and overcoming obstacles, rather than to pretend they don’t exist- as some people seem to think. (Is this Mental Outlaw's?)

I think pain is our primary connection to the real world, i.e. the difference between dreaming and being awake (or “woke” ;D). One of the consequences of this is that pain produces fear, fear produces reflection, anticipation, and forethought, these produce causal thinking, and causal thinking produces wisdom…leading inevitably to my pre-existing heuristic that wisdom = pain * IQ. That is, pain is the reason we ask “why” questions.

 A possible practical use for these ramblings would be for creative types to schedule reflective time after stressful situations, in order to distill top-shelf loosh. Pretty basic bitch, but worth reiterating.

As John C. Wright likes to point out, there are three possible attitudes people can have toward the universe: they can believe the world is bigger than their mind can conceive, smaller than they can conceive, or the same size. I believe that the slave mindset is that the world is smaller than what their mind can conceive. In keeping with this belief, a slave will tend to tear things down in response to stress. The master’s mindset is, I think, the case where people believe that their theories are predictive of everything in the universe, and “God’s in heaven and all’s right with the world”. Their response to stress is to conserve the status quo and dismiss anything weird or amiss as strictly impossible (“the science is settled”). That leaves the free man’s mindset, which is the expansive and imaginary belief that “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” According to the pattern I’ve laid out, such a person responds to stress with creativity.

 I’m as white-pilled as anyone, but show me a single good social trend that isn’t white people running away from the consequences of their true beliefs as revealed by their preferences. Paraphrasing Dutton dysphemistically, the future belongs to people too dumb and cowardly to believe in anything past the age of 5.

Everyone else will disappoint you when you need them most, because in the end they’re rational and no one is a more patient and reasonable negotiator than Satan. (People who claim to hold uncompromising positions that they wouldn’t die for without a second thought are liars. How many claim to hold truth inviolate but will keep silent on trivial matters to save their lives? It’s a reasonable compromise, but still compromising.)

Heroism walks a tightrope between an extraordinary concern for the wellbeing of others and an irrational resilience to their rational cowardice and toxicity. This is true in modern times, but it has always been true. If it felt natural, we wouldn’t need special people to do it. If you take up this burden you will feel absolutely alone at all times. It’s a shame that silent video game protagonists have gone out of vogue because it’s more artistically honest. Any representation of heroism where the hero isn’t treated like dirt until after the fact is whitewashing the reality.

Then again, if you have extraordinary ability that was always going to be true. Anyone who tells you different is selling you delusions of utopia. So it’s a lot less of a sacrifice if you think of it in terms of opportunity cost. It doesn’t do anything about the feeling of hunger for human connection in your gut but it’ll remind you that you may as well stay on the straight and narrow path. For whatever reason, God didn’t design a world where high-ability people get to live in the gray areas of morality like normies do.

Chicks dig assholes. This is known. But explaining it in terms of evopsych has been a shaky proposition so far.

I believe it can be explained by the extreme selective effects of slavery in human history. Women hate enslaved men because for thousands of years there has been no quicker route to genetic extinction than bearing the child of a fellow slave. This explains the disgust women feel toward submissive male behaviors.

In contrast, women love the signals given off by known classes of non-slaves, particularly the masters, overseers, whip-hands, and occasionally free men. The successful slave women of history would have desperately tried to get such a man to fall in love with her in order to escape the meatgrinder of general work detail. Therefore, a man who wishes to deceitfully signal high-status ought to act and dress like a slave owner, slave trader, or slave breaker. (Generally speaking, the fraction of free men in historical societies has been vanishingly small.)


 I think men should focus on developing a legacy, in all senses of the term.

 “Never make excuses, never complain, and never explain anything to anyone.” That put me on my back foot when I saw it first. The idea, as a sperg, of never explaining anything to anyone is truly shocking. We pretty much only socialize via shop talk. If not for shop talk we simply wouldn’t talk to anyone about anything. But as my melonhead grows in, I begin to understand that this is the most profound advice you could give for living in a society.

 This is what success looks like. It’s not about creating value, it’s about showing up and doing enough to meet expectations. I’m not saying you have to embrace the nihilistic void and become a monster to make money, fuck your waifu, and hatch a brood of neanderniglets. But I am saying that to achieve your vision, you have to sacrifice your ideals. Understanding the nobility of realism is one of those tricky paradoxes, like charity. 


The traditional advice, as I understand it, is to study great men and learn humility by a sense of relative inferiority. This is folly. To compare oneself with a peer group of great men is to presuppose these superior men as peers, firstly, which leads to hubris. We can observe the wages of this in the pedestrian follies of those who spend their heroic talents on heroic levels of dilletantism. To avoid comparison with lesser men is alienating, secondly, and leads to inhumanity. We can observe the wages of such creatures in Silicon Valley and the final circle of hell, which is reserved for men who conspicuously failed to mention that feelings of shared kinship were not mutual.

The best answer I can think of is to meditate on God’s impending judgment with fear and trembling. In fact, the best sign of imminent destruction is a man who looks to the day of judgment with a sense of gleeful abandon. This does not indicate a realistic sense of perspective, much less wisdom. God demands much more than our best, which he describes as filthy rags. The greatest saints knew this: at their best moments, they should have done better. Much better. If we are confident let it be because we remember, from the all-too-recent creases in our ass cheeks, that God is great in patience and mercy. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. Therefore let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.



Eve took the apple, and if Adam wants to be in charge he has to take responsibility for things that aren’t his fault. That’s how being in charge works. It means being on the hook for the results that happen under your charge, full stop. The only unforgivable sin a leader can commit is weakness. If God lost the battle with Satan, we wouldn’t care about his ideas of morality anymore. There’s literally no reason to be good to normies other than serving God. They don’t deserve shit from me. So I treat them better than they deserve without expecting appreciation. The hard limit on benevolent leadership is morality because immoral people will always tear nice things to pieces, it’s just logistically impossible to be genteel with people who aren’t good. If people want better leadership, they have to choose between being better followers or becoming the leaders they want to have and carrying the ingrates on their backs themselves. If they choose neither, then they’ll be ruled by the worst man in the room, and it won’t bother me because I have enough to worry about herding my own NPCs.

I’d rather be nice to you people but this isn’t a negotiation. Reasoning with children is a category error. Any ghetto nigger can tell you acting right is about respect and respect is about consequences. You will always have the leader your morality deserves.


 The difference between a life spent well and a life spent poorly is valuing things precisely and getting a good return on any tradeoffs. Therefore, I need to be very clear about what I value, and how much I value those things. As a rule of thumb, I measure my prosperity by the average amount of time I can sit and look at the grass each day for no reason.


  • Quality-adjusted years of life
  • Sleep
  • Health: Sleep, diet/hydration, lifting, cardio, alone time
  • God’s favor
  • Being around people I like
  • Working with people I like
  • Creative output
  • God’s favor can’t be priced and shouldn’t be spent, but the others can be treated as currencies to spend well as part of a better life.

I’d sum this up as “show neither disrespect nor submission”.

In action, this means to continually detach with perfect etiquette (as defined by the situation–being posh in the ghetto is not appropriate to the situation). Their minds are a stew of toxicity and predation–any show of either disrespect or submission or both will enter you into a dominance hierarchy with them. The laws of body language and who is or isn’t a part of their inner world are concepts surprisingly fixed in the heads of savages and other ne’er-do-wells. If you follow these rules and the person isn’t either 1) fixated on you for personal reasons or 2) a routine predator that has been protected from social punishment, then you’re going to be able to short-circuit their attention and dominance displays. They’re almost certainly not more patient than you, so their brain is constantly asking “Why not somebody more dramatic and exciting?”



The principle generalizes to kin, kith, nation, etc. in weaker forms, appropriate to the devotion we owe to such things (as compared to our own children). To be explicit, what I’m saying is if you don’t invest an irrational level of effort into the people you love, to the point that it hurts you deeply and personally to see them fall, then you are certainly a wicked person who’s going to Hell and still in need of salvation.

There is still much to be said about the Al-Anon concept of “detaching with love” (our loved ones are clearly addicts headed for a rock bottom and possibly death) but I think modern people need to start at the foundation, which is the loving part. You have to want to take care of other people before you start wanting to take care of yourself to take care of other people, because getting those backward means purity-spiraling into psychopathy and preaching about bootstraps to maximize your holier-than-thou passive upcummies stream. This is one of those paradoxes like “in order to live you have to give your life away to God”.


Brains are not for figuring out what to do, that’s what hearts are for. One of the most important life lessons is that you shouldn’t even try to make decisions with your brain, because in the meantime your heart will be making decisions while you’re distracted. It’s the power behind the throne of reason. And, like magic, your brain will reason its way to the counterfactual supplied by your heart, no matter how many convolutions it takes.

 The key is to set personal boundaries that will give you good optics if the unreasonable normie escalates, and that they will inevitably run afoul of. Before getting in the might make sure you’ve prepared the battlefield so that they’ll initiate the conflict, then escalate unreasonably, and then look ridiculous to the authorities they call in to punish you for maintaining your personal boundaries. For example, Karen may be demanding you support George Floyd because she desperately wants a chance to call the police on you for being a racist, which would be good optics for her even though that isn’t technically a crime:

 The key is that the argument is very simple. Don’t argue the evidence or the details. Keep it simple and maintain frame: He was a meth dealer, and that’s why I don’t support him. Even if you’re wrong about something, they can’t hang you for it because the court of public opinion doesn’t believe in objective facts. UNLESS you admit you got a fact wrong or apologize, in which case they’ll lynch you.

It may help you to remember that when a baby is crying to manipulate you their face will be flushed because they’re angry that their dopaminergic expectations were violated, not actually in need of help. That’s the baby form of what we call narcissistic rage when it’s done by adults. Flushed-face outrage is okay, so when your normie flies into a rage try to imagine them with a flushed face. If it fits their behavior, you’re probably okay. If not, it’s probably unfeigned and you are probably looking like the bad guy. Remember, normies don’t have internal principles beyond what will look good when the authorities show up, so “unfeigned” and “normal” are literally the same thing for them.

The way to change common sense is with meme warfare. Optics are based on common sense, common sense is based on memes, and memes shift people’s values. Laughter is the sound of common sense changing. Turtle up when you’re on the defensive and don’t use any memes or jokes (remember officer, I’m the reasonable one here), but otherwise always be making subversive jokes that stretch them just a little bit. If they’re laughing, they’re losing. You absolutely have to be funny–it’s a matter of life and death now. Humor was originally evolved to defuse social dominance displays.

On Women: I like to think of them as competent but neurotic adults with no concept of loyalty, personal responsibility, or guilt.
 The tl;dr of yesterday’s effortboast is that women sexually crave the sensation of being dwarfed by someone so physically strong (werewolf fantasy), so influential (billionaire), so morally unconstrained and dedicated to adventure (pirate), so perfectly dedicated to his high-status profession (surgeon), or so persuasive (vampire) that her agency is diminished to nothing in comparison. She exists only at his mercy and has no choices to make, except when a choice is tossed her way like a bone to a dog. Women are not offended by rape—pick a random romance novel off the shelf to dispel that notion—they are offended by rapists because rapists are (almost) uniformly weak men. To be raped by Conan would be traumatizing but acceptable, and she would still love her illegitimate little barbarian sprog. But to be temporarily possessed by a powerless man is an evolutionary ticket to a slow, painful extinction.

Since this ends up tasting more like an exercise of finding the useful stuff in a pile of chaff, here's some other exceptional ones: 

What's hilarious is that they often play by the rules under the guise of some sort of half-baked Christian ethics. the fact of the matter is that the Bible is full of examples of God calling His people to use devious, underhanded, RUTHLESS tactics against the enemy. A woman coaxing a general to sleep then pounding a tent stake through his head while he's knocked out, Elijah using a bunch of the Canaanites valuable water supply to douse his altar and mocking the shit out of the prophets of Baal, the complete WASTING of Sodom and Gomorrah when Abraham couldn't find even 10 righteous people there... the list goes on. Any "principled Christian Conservative" who doesn't think all's fair in a cultural war is a fraud and a coward.

 An effective strategy to induce cognitive pain in shitlibs and coax them to quietly question their premises is to play the naif.

"Did you guys know about Biden's pedophilia? I've seen all these videos of Biden touching young girls in a really creepy way. I had no idea CNN never reported anything about this, but a lot of smaller media outlets are. It can't possibly be true, can it?"

The shtilib will immediately try to correct your misconceptions and tell you to stop listening to "conspiracy theories", to which you need only say "hmm" and look skeptical. No worries, because by that point the badthought will have breached the shitlib's egoistic defenses.

It's enough to make shitlibs know they don't have unanimous compliance. Seeds of doubt and pain.

People puzzled over how Sparta stayed successful so long and didn't decay. If I say Spartan existence, do you think glut or shortage? Pleasure is the enemy of greatness, and the Apocalypse is our friend.

A self is made through struggle and self-awareness, two things the child-mind flees.. Navel-gazing is not the same. They spend money on all the silly bro trends and complain they haven’t any. They’re self-indulgent parenting their inner child. They flee duty of all kinds, even a commitment to ‘beloved’ pets, whom they dump frequently on people or in a shelter (alone, scared) to go on debauched ‘holidays’. This is the peak, this is the best their lives will ever be and they sense it. They know their low ways will ruin them one day, soon and the concept of masculine responsibility they reject as oppression. They do not love, they cannot love. Pair bonding is sneered at, like the autist also. They are shells instead of men. Disloyal dilettantes to any proclaimed cause, complete with bitchy, pointless in-fighting. Do not think you can help the husk, they decorate their bodies like a preening rat in a lab. Otherwise, who would listen?

“The most loving form of detachment I have found has been forgiveness. Instead of thinking of it as an eraser to wipe another’s slate clean or a gavel that I pound to pronounce someone “not guilty,” I think of forgiveness as a scissors. I use it to cut the strings of resentment that bind me to a problem or a past hurt. By releasing resentment, I set myself free.”

"Soda pop and late nights. That's what killing our people. Whites too. Acid in the blood and only a couple hours of deep sleep. You won't see nothing grow back on that, everything stays broken but people still got to get up in the morning for work. You call these rich people's houses after seven'o'clock, they've taken the phone off the hook. They in bed by that time. They don't drink that crap they only sell it. They got all organic inside they house. They don't drink nothing that comes out of the tap because they know better! You think they don't know what is killing the rest of us? Of course they do! This is stealth! This creeps in and kills you while you should be sleeping, real slow! Wake up! It is killing you where you don't see it!"


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