New direction

The previous blog approach, more BnD inspired, centered around attention more than creation. But this is not preferable, because being reliant on attention for work to occur is a ticking timebomb in a functional system. (The older blog managing only a day of existing, these were obviously problems.)
This one will focus more upon improving the previous approaches to information storage, a la Book1. It will be indifferent to attention, by virtue of serving more as an evolving one-person repository of solutions to issues. Here's some various reasons it would be useful in this capacity.
 - I could spend more effort creating refined posts, and thus memorize better the "important stuff". I would also be more enthusiastic about referring to previous solutions.

   - It is awkward to fit everything into numbered lists.

 - There is too much organizational debt.

 - The advent of "fields" allows me to effectively categorize and refer to specific topics. Although not previously implemented HERE, it can be for greater effectiveness.

Of course, legacy information may need to be imported. But generally speaking, the book will serve as a placeholder for that stuff, and obsolete solutions can be deprecated by simply never needing to be imported. 

The book will retain the habit-system, and the CAL system for the present. 

I'll specify that it be done like I am, in "I am suffering from problem A. I will put down my solution to it on this blog." But: Add a field to the end of the solution, and of course label it.

We may replace MM with this presently, because MM is constantly obstructed by being on Discord, and there's a lot more that can be done simply by having a platform that works with it.




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