How do I write, and how do I write well?

Disclaimer: I'm not a writer. Why identify yourself with one profession?

Writing is the recounting of experience, of passion and interest. If you care about something, it is effortless to write about it. If you do not, then it will be difficult, and the result won't be convincing. (IE, I can ramble about methodology all day, but find trouble with dialogue and characterization.) I'll discuss my knowledge of writing, and useful methods for keeping the river of words flowin'.


First, love what you research. If you cannot do that, then at least study the details of it, take notes, and you'll eventually grow to love it through another way. Researching is a separate skill-set from writing, and you must make sure that you do not overdo research if writing is your intention. The internet is the greatest and worst invention for productivity, and the only thing that will make it useful is your determination for creation.

Writing better

Writing is like a river of habits, coalescing into one another. Think of a brain in a skull, axions and neurons firing to one another, a cosmic conversation always changing. Phrases flow into one another, words tie together, sentences and archetypical paragraphs silently structure, and this is what defines the writer's style. To get good at writing, it is best to always do it. To always do it, it is useful to have a habit, and most importantly multiple reasons to do it besides writing skills. Do you have to write essays for school? Do you like writing about your day in a journal? Do you like writing down notes? All of these can be playgrounds for experiments in writing style. Elegance is its own reward. It makes writing pleasant to read after aging for years, notes concise and continually useful, journaling not merely a struggle to cram events into lines, but a pen, with the brain writing its thoughts in one way or another into functioning sentences. There is no alternative to mastery, but mastery itself can be done many ways, and there is no need to sour the soul to writing by making it unpleasant.

Writing more

Write first, writer's block later. Quality isn't important at first, simply put thoughts into words, and allow the polish to be done later. The only reason you wouldn't write would be because it is too expensive on willpower to do so. To reduce this cost make it seem easier and more natural. Again, it is useful to have another reason than writing alone; to vent emotions, to document occurrences, to organize mental knowledge. Writing is a great pleasure in combination with a passion for something else.

Writing passionately

Why would a mind write? It has something to say! 
To write, one must be interesting. To be interesting, one must be interested. If you have an interest, then writing about it is a sure bet. But besides interests, one must also feel a passion in their heart towards what they write, if it's to be a passionate work. Without this, there really can be no expression of emotion, merely of skill. Without skill, writing cannot be done well, but it can be done still much easier. I'd choose passion before skill, really. How do we get all that together? Well, be interested, and the world will find you plenty of interests, and plenty of passions. The skill will come in time.

Feel free to add your advice as well.


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