Distraction And Dissonance

Why is all of my money going into the Craver pension fund?
Why is all of my attention going into useless sites?

I've had a long history of dealing with distractions. To do something worthwhile is to kill distraction, but it is also mildly unpleasant to do. I'll seek here to document WHY this occurs (which is not just one cause), and to then inform of ways to solve it. 


Cause one. Guilt from self-improvement failure resulting in sense of control violation, resulting in cynicism, lower happiness, thus demand for plesbutton.

Cause two. Incorrect either anticipation, association, or reflectionism regarding good activities, and a incorrectly favorable view regarding bad activities. Because the brain does pleasure math, it always picks the winner, and without large guilt expenses (presently) this is always the bad activity. 

Cause three. Bad suppression of proximity. When two activities, the ones I want, and the ones that happen are put together, the ones that happen are more pleasurable, and thus are more competitive. This cannot be allowed, if function is to improve. With the Proximity rule considered, it is wise to minimize the mental presence of distraction. This of course can only be done by going through a discomforting period of withdrawal from normal higher-pleasure consumption habits. 

Cause four. Confusion about why to remove plesbutton habits.


1.Don't feel guilty. Remember, that everything right now is normal, everything in the future is  improving, and the past doesn't matter.

2.Straighten priorities. You know why you do it; to offer your successors a better chance. See what the wrong activities truly are, wastes of time, and remember that fun is a word that can be put on anything. Especially useful things.

3.Cut out tumors. Do it constantly and aggressively. Challenge yourself to remove them further. Never stop doing this.

3a.Replace the tumors. Get new stuff in quickly, and establish it is how it will be done. This could use a greater standardization.

4.An effective purpose is a combination of desires. These are beauty, purpose (literally), emphatic usefulness, control, quality (of work regarding self improvement), better-life images, high-vibe mental (mental clarity, memory, awareness, efficiency)/ physical mastery, novel / mysterious-magical, with a mind that favors the good (the three senses; associative, anticipatory, reflectionistic), and of course hedonistically pleasing without guilt.

These PRIMARILY are emphatic usefulness, control, better-life images, beauty, mastery, novelty and hedonism without guilt. It would be wise to refer to beautism, as well as the motivation documents bundled with the Declaration.

This will serve as the primary repository for SI questions regarding NoDistract. It is likely a separate purpose post will be placed, but this will serve for a placeholder.


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