
Showing posts from December, 2019

Minimizing self focus for readability, in a self-focused blog.

In the previous article, I intended to discuss the necessary self-focus, but was derailed due to my mental complaint of narcissism. In this, I will discuss further now the complaint has been resolved. In the spirit of experiment, I intend to write this blog in a professional, a sort of bold-and-determined fashion. In that sense, my articles, while from myself, and intended for myself, will also be intended for the hypothetical third viewer. This leads back to the earlier premise for the other article, which is quite simply how much self focus this third viewer would stand before he leaves (which lead to the complaint of narcissism). Because this blog has the intention of advising, similarly to a self-help blog of another caliber, it must not be overly self-focused, but with a key focus on the reader, and assisting in his problems. Simply put, instead of being internal memos to myself, they must be like scientific reports, from my own experience, discussing what solutions I have lea...

Debates over narcissism, and sensible self-interest.

The blog is to "share my insights in the continuous journey of self-improvement". This is, as we've implied, an self-focused venture. One specific complaint my brain gives me is that this is narcissistic. Let's address this. First, what is narcissism? Self obsession. What is obsession? An 'unhealthy' fixation on something. What is unhealthy? A physical / emotional / mental state that is worse, because of a repairable cause, than the normal state. These are my definitions, and the ones debated. First, I would contest that it is unhealthy. The focus on myself is a NECESSARY PRECONDITION to a BETTER STATE. Although I could NOT FOCUS, this would WEAKEN the effort. It would be easier to make an argument that my CURRENT state is unhealthy, with enough understanding, gained through the focus on myself, I can IMPROVE this state. The current state is as a surgeon is to a body, trying to figure out how to repair it. It makes no sense to consider this narcissistic, a...

What will I GAIN from this blog?

The act of writing into coherent, blog-length articles, serves to increase the understanding of even my own ideas. The cross-referencing only improves this further. Whereas my previous means of writing thoughts in a way kills them, making them no longer held in the mind, but not requiring the mental effort to make them come together. Every time I experiment with something new, I gain more ability even in what is already familiar. After the struggle, I am more fluent in not only what the goal was, but in connected fields. The blog experiment is preceded by my habit of writing thoughts in Discord, in text documents, in long-form essays. But as I keep switching to new platforms, maintaining the novelty, so do I keep changing the way it is written, and this new way is certainly better than the choppy Discord format, and more cross-accessible than the essays. It is an improvement in many fashions, but it shares its own risks. These are primarily from the intermixing of desire-for-attent...

What will I DO in this blog?

In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, his philosophy can be distilled into the process of emotionally creating the white-hot heat of desire, and the process of putting that heat in the direction that it is best used, a plan for execution. Funnily enough, that can also be subordinated to desire, as you tell the subconscious, through the desire, to formulate the plan. It is then advised to do this, as the consciousness is less reliable than the subconscious connection with the 'infinite intelligence'. But relatively similarly, this blog serves as a journal. If its' intention is to "share my insights in the continuous journey of self-improvement", then what is the plan to do so? The current, new insights? Only ones after now? Every insight that I have ever had access to? In the name of consistent content, it would make sense to have this placed closer to the latter. (Previously, we discussed the usefulness of a desire for outside attention, it creating a gr...

What is the intention of this blog?

Before doing anything, I like to write down the reason why I'm doing it. There are many things that can become warped through time, through the development of a project, and sometimes this is good. But if the reason inspired you, and the new reason does not, perhaps only regrets may be found. Enough with the justification for the justification for the blog. What is this? I decided to create this to share my insights in the continuous journey of self-improvement. Although I am average in my results, the thoughts I've enjoyed, the advice that may be from me or something above could be of use to others. In the current state, I'll focus upon writing thoughts, and if they are there, they will be written; if not, not. It is a pernicious thing, the obsession with having others' attention. Few men, and practically no women, are immune, but I am certainly not. However, with enough repetition of the correct approach, this should improve. A benefit of the approach is that if...