What is the intention of this blog?

Before doing anything, I like to write down the reason why I'm doing it. There are many things that can become warped through time, through the development of a project, and sometimes this is good. But if the reason inspired you, and the new reason does not, perhaps only regrets may be found.

Enough with the justification for the justification for the blog. What is this? I decided to create this to share my insights in the continuous journey of self-improvement. Although I am average in my results, the thoughts I've enjoyed, the advice that may be from me or something above could be of use to others.

In the current state, I'll focus upon writing thoughts, and if they are there, they will be written; if not, not. It is a pernicious thing, the obsession with having others' attention. Few men, and practically no women, are immune, but I am certainly not. However, with enough repetition of the correct approach, this should improve.

A benefit of the approach is that if others' attention wanes, if I ever obtain any, there will be no loss. In a study found in the book Drive, money first boosted, but if removed, actively hurt interest in doing, simply for the sake of doing. Spontaneous, intrinsic pleasure is weakened by outside incentive. Money isn't social attention, but it is equally pleasurable, and thus you feel the gap when it is gone. If it is never here, I can never be disappointed. If another purpose invades the one proper one, it may destroy it, and the blog itself.

An interesting aspect of my desire-theory posited that people tend to go for the end-goal first, and will try to get through the means as quickly as possible. If the goal is money, nothing else really matters but it. This is a pretty good explanation for why everything is Cheap and Chinese; money is the prime motivator, and the happiness of the customer, which would certainly be more important in less globalized times, is less so.

Thus, if I seek attention, but through this blog, the original aim, that of chronicling my self-improvement, will be denigrated, deprecated, and eventually destroyed as an easier way of accomplishing this is done. The end will translate to how I accomplish it. The vision, thus, that tells the end precisely, will safeguard my efforts.

(But another relevant question is, if I make a blog, don't I do this with the inherent intention of getting attention? If the pure motivation is to write down, I already do this. But this blog mixes the motivation of getting attention for doing well, and the motivation of understanding myself and how to SI better than previously.

Although an objection might be made, "But nobody will see this, so it is only one motivation", the hope of otherwise, and the very conspicuous visibility of this on-the-web platform makes it seem like there must be a hope, for this to be considered in the first place.
I write better when approval is on the line, so I suppose using this blog as a formal way to write down my thoughts in an organized and collected way would help, as approval obviously more often occurs when the article is well-thought-out and coherent.

That is enough.)

If I know what I intend, I know where I will end.


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