What will I GAIN from this blog?

The act of writing into coherent, blog-length articles, serves to increase the understanding of even my own ideas. The cross-referencing only improves this further. Whereas my previous means of writing thoughts in a way kills them, making them no longer held in the mind, but not requiring the mental effort to make them come together. Every time I experiment with something new, I gain more ability even in what is already familiar. After the struggle, I am more fluent in not only what the goal was, but in connected fields.

The blog experiment is preceded by my habit of writing thoughts in Discord, in text documents, in long-form essays. But as I keep switching to new platforms, maintaining the novelty, so do I keep changing the way it is written, and this new way is certainly better than the choppy Discord format, and more cross-accessible than the essays. It is an improvement in many fashions, but it shares its own risks.

These are primarily from the intermixing of desire-for-attention. Though it can improve the work, it can also destroy it, because the original reason will no longer hold enough strength to remain if the attention desire is removed. In my psychology, it is somewhat rickety holding together a system without motivation in regards to attention. Can be done, but with difficulty, and often a lack of quality. The blog offers a platform for greater interconnection, both with others and with itself, than ever done before, but it could equally lead to a burnout, which would probably lead to the previous ways I write down becoming dominant again.

In the document observations.txt, I wrote down observations. That period was one of my most successful in developing my thinking. The preceding period, where I wrote in essays, was okay, but perhaps too long-form and long-winded. The interconnection may have weakened it, making the final importance, not UNDERSTANDING, but PRAISE. Once the format was abandoned, I suspect this alternative was improved. When it was abandoned, in favor of even shorter-form scribbled down thoughts, no improvement was found, but I spent so little time with each thought that I began to forget them. My philosophy dissolved under a mountain of confusing half-rememberances.

This blog, although again suffering from the disadvantage of external attention, can also benefit from the interconnection of the earlier observations. Blog articles are expected to possess a certain greater or lesser degree of length, but this can be waived, and I don't think writing them will be the problem at all. This could create a new age of understanding and comprehention of what I just read, instead of forgetfulness and confusion. I have a real need to restate, to cough up and re-digest thoughts to really understand. As I've done here.

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates


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