MindForger advanced facts

  • Mindforger distinguishes between "in-note" headers and "note division" headers based entirely on whether there is a space before the header (if there is no space, it's a note divider). This is why imports get a header-derived note layout. 
    • The editor will, regardless of whether there is a space in front, make it have one. This means that new notes cannot be created in MindForger's editor. (Without bug exploitation)
    • If you make a custom stencil, you must then always have a space before headers, or otherwise the first header to break this rule will have everything below it appear, but nothing above.
  • AltN + R (Refactor) has a search bar. This is very useful for quickly moving information packets around.
  • If you place three dashes below a piece of text, without at least a line dividing the two, it will turn into a header, and be recognized in a buggy way as a note. This is useful kind of, but it creates more dashes, and a new metadata tag, every single time you reopen the file, leading to unnecessary bloating.
    • To avoid this, NEVER place a line of text directly above a line divider. Otherwise, you'll create some bizarre later-on file divisions.
    • You can use this regex to "fix" bugged note-headers like this into normal ones. But it will reset the time (which occurs regardless because of the constant header-replacing, so not a big deal).
    • * (^[^#].*[^."?!\r\n])\r\n([^\d#•])

      * ##\1 <!-- Metadata: type: Note; created: 2021-02-08 21:29:21; reads: 1; read: 2021-02-08 22:26:55; revision: 1; modified: 2021-02-08 21:29:21; --> \r\n

  • Notebooks (.md files) will preserve their original filename when renamed, but the name WITHIN the notebook will change, and that's what MF shows you.
  • Bizarrely, exiting and entering a file both count as "reads". Test it yourself.
  • The number of reads in a file refers to you entering it, and has no correspondence to notes within it.  
  • The "word list" associations only check for like words within the particular MD file; no separators are tolerated. 


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